Friday, March 02, 2007

falling down

Friday (so far):
Breakfast: orange juice, winter warm fruit salad, pound cake, whipped cream, 3 mini- bite sized quiches
Lunch: winter warm fruit salad, pound cake, whipped cream, chex mix

I shoulda had a smoothie!

Today was a co-worker's birthday; and we had a brunch for her. I made Dr. Fuhrman's Winter Warm Fruit Salad to bring in with fresh whipped cream and pound cake. My plan was to just have the fruit but somehow I allowed myself to have the cake and all of that other junk. And then I did it again for lunch... what's wrong with me? Why did I do that? I feel so crappy about it and am really angry with myself right now. I wish I had had a smoothie for breakfast to make it easier to resist the bad food, I wish I had stopped myself before I ate any of that crap... I was doing so well.

Today was supposed to be my day off from working out but now I think that I need to go home and work as much of this off as I can. Hubby is working OT tonight so I guess I will spend my Friday night on the treadmill atoning for my SAD sins. It'll make me feel better and hopefully I won't end up gaining weight because of my indescretions.

Well, back on the horse with the knowledge and experience never to come to work (or anywhere) on a party day without my smoothie!