Tuesday, August 15, 2006

day 66: the hardest part

Today's Food:
Breakfast: smoothie
Lunch: romaine with Green Velour, Garden Veggie Triscuts
Dinner: stir-fry veggies

Exercise: 60 min on the treadmill, 15 min abs

The hardest part is the waiting. Waiting for the week to be up so you can weigh yourself again and inch bit by bit closer to your goal. Waiting to meet the milestones 25 lbs, 50 lbs, etc. Waiting to fit into the clothes you have in your closet that you've been waiting and wishing to wear for all to long.

I feel comfortable with things right now, and I feel like I have some good momentum going on. Maybe I have too much momentum... mental momentum... because I just can't wait for my body to catch up to where my head is. And that thought is a little bit disconcerting to me. It makes me worry that I'll run out of drive and steam and that every day will become a chore. I definitely don't want that to happen, and as I think everyone does, I want things to become easier not become more challenging.

What to do to prevent the fizzle out of the momentum? Well I think that one I have to focus more on the small goals. Such as getting to -50 pounds by my birthday and getting into that outfit by my anniversary. Having the goals isn't the problem; it's committing to the goal in my head. It's focusing on that goal rather than the big overall goal end-product. I've got to think about how I'm going to get that part in line...