Wednesday, March 28, 2007

last hurrah's and new beginnings

It’s probably a vast generalization on my part to say this; but most dieters engage in a last hurrah before embarking on their diet plan. They will allow themselves one final last goodbye to all of the food that they will no longer be able to eat once they start to actually control their eating. One last meal of not caring about calories, fat, or nutritional value, not worrying about willpower, and just having whatever they want. Or maybe it’s just me.

Tomorrow morning I am starting the Six-Week Plan again. I dislike having to say that I am starting over; because to me I never really felt like I stopped Eating to Live. For the most part I’ve been good with at least having my breakfast smoothies and a good lunch or dinner. But the fact of the matter is that ever since the holidays I haven’t been doing my best. There have been a few weeks here and there where I was doing "ok" but it didn’t last; and knowing that I am not eating as well as I possibly can is weighing on my conscience.

In April and May I will have to attend an Alumni event and Graduation for students who attend the college where I work. I’d like to look nice for these events. When hubby and I were on vacation I tried on a very pretty dress in a size 16. This is a big deal because currently most of my pants that fit well are 20’s or 20W’s. So when the size 16 (not 16W I might add) actually fit onto my body, albeit snugly, it felt really good. I’d like to be able to go back to the store and buy that dress or one like it so I can look and feel good for these festive occasions.

So starting tomorrow it’ll be a fresh start. I’m prepared for the cravings, I’m prepared for the headaches, I’m prepared to feel junky in general; but I’m also prepared to get my tastebuds back when I kick my salt habit and I’m also prepared to not have any more cravings and to just feel altogether awesome. Last summer I lost 25 pounds in my first five weeks. I have five weeks from Friday to the Alumni Event and eight weeks from Friday to Graduation– let’s see how good I can do!