Thursday, March 29, 2007

the do-over: Day 1

Exercise: 30 min Yourself!Fitness, 30 min Treadmill
Breakfast: Smoothie (7oz spinach, 3oz kale, 1/2 banana, strawberries, blueberries, 2 dates, flax and water)
Lunch: Blended Greens Soup (with lentils)
Exercise: 30 min walk with Cammie
Dinner: Blended Salad (romaine, pineapple, strawberries, 2 dates), 1 oz Walnuts (not in the smoothie)

Fuhrmometer: KALE!

Today was easier than I thought it would be. I am having some detox symptoms, a small headache and achy body in general and I felt like I could go to bed at 6:30, but no major cravings or anything. Part of today going so well had to do with having a positive attitude about things and the other big factor for today's success was all of the greens I packed into my smoothie - 10oz! That's twice what I have been putting into them and I also cut back on the banana. It tastes mostly the same but is a little less sweet. Overall it's still tasty and awesomely good for me. Oh yeah, it was SALT FREE too! Go me!

And see that picture up there? Yeah, it's the Deueling Dragons Roller Coaster at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure and I rode it when we were in Florida last week. We also rode The Mummy, The Hulk, and the Flying Unicorn roller coasters - but the dragons were my favorite. Ok, the Mummy was pretty cool too (we got my 87 year-old grandpa to ride it, hilarious!).

But this isn't a roller-coaster blog! It's a weight-loss and sometimes food blog and the reason that I mention the roller coasters is that last month I wrote about how I hoped that I would fit into the roller coaster seats; and that I have been avoiding roller coasters and theme parks in general for years because I knew I didn't fit in the seats. Well now I'm less overweight that I have been in probably about 10 years and I was ready to give roller coasters a try again.

At Universal they have what I'm calling test seats out in front of the roller-coastery attractions with a sign that says something like "This attraction cannot accommodate people with certain body types, please use these test seats to see if you fit." Or something like that. Anyway, these test seats are in front of the entrance to the attraction where everyone is - so if you don't fit it'd still be pretty embarassing.

The first ride like this that we (I) wanted to go on was The Mummy - and if you haven't been on it and are planning to go to Universal - YOU HAVE TO RIDE IT! When we were walking up to it we saw the seats and hubby said "do you want to try it out?" I did, but I didn't want to take the risk of not fitting in front of all of those other people and kids. I took a look at the seats, "Nah, I'll be ok" I said.

So we went in, and the whole wait to get on the ride I was dieing of nervousness, it did't get any better and even as we were sliding through the car to our seats I was wondering if I would fit... I mentally crossed my fingers and sat down... I FIT! It was such an awesome feeling and I'm glad that we went to the park.

Other people have said it before and it is so true - don't wait to live your life until you reach your goal, you'll miss out on a lot of fun along the way.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

last hurrah's and new beginnings

It’s probably a vast generalization on my part to say this; but most dieters engage in a last hurrah before embarking on their diet plan. They will allow themselves one final last goodbye to all of the food that they will no longer be able to eat once they start to actually control their eating. One last meal of not caring about calories, fat, or nutritional value, not worrying about willpower, and just having whatever they want. Or maybe it’s just me.

Tomorrow morning I am starting the Six-Week Plan again. I dislike having to say that I am starting over; because to me I never really felt like I stopped Eating to Live. For the most part I’ve been good with at least having my breakfast smoothies and a good lunch or dinner. But the fact of the matter is that ever since the holidays I haven’t been doing my best. There have been a few weeks here and there where I was doing "ok" but it didn’t last; and knowing that I am not eating as well as I possibly can is weighing on my conscience.

In April and May I will have to attend an Alumni event and Graduation for students who attend the college where I work. I’d like to look nice for these events. When hubby and I were on vacation I tried on a very pretty dress in a size 16. This is a big deal because currently most of my pants that fit well are 20’s or 20W’s. So when the size 16 (not 16W I might add) actually fit onto my body, albeit snugly, it felt really good. I’d like to be able to go back to the store and buy that dress or one like it so I can look and feel good for these festive occasions.

So starting tomorrow it’ll be a fresh start. I’m prepared for the cravings, I’m prepared for the headaches, I’m prepared to feel junky in general; but I’m also prepared to get my tastebuds back when I kick my salt habit and I’m also prepared to not have any more cravings and to just feel altogether awesome. Last summer I lost 25 pounds in my first five weeks. I have five weeks from Friday to the Alumni Event and eight weeks from Friday to Graduation– let’s see how good I can do!

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Phasing Out of Salt: Day One

Breakfast: Standard Smoothie
Lunch: Green Soup (greens & lentils, garlic, tomatoes etc.)
Dinner: grilled cheese (CRINGE!)

Well day one of the de-salting of Nicole went ok. I should have had salad for dinner but just didn't. It's lunches (soup) that are the real issue for me with salt. Breakfast smoothies or blended salads aren't a challenge with salt and I can be happy with salad without salt as well (and usually am). It seems to be hot foods and beans that I find myself wanting to add salt to. I usually make my soups without salt and use no-salt canned tomatoes and all - but then I end up adding Bragg's to the soup before eating it. I'd like to think that it is lower-sodium overall to add the Bragg's but even some added salt/sodium is more than I need.

Dr. Fuhrman has referenced studies that have shown that people who eat a Vegetarian diet without regard to salt intake have a risk of stroke that is higher than those who eat the Standard American Diet (i.e. junk). Furthermore, effects of salt consumption can manifest in high blood pressure later in life. I recently checked my blood pressure in one of those pharmacy blood pressure machines and it was something close to 130/80, which is higher than the "normal" 120/80 - it's not too much higher but I know that I can bring it down by continuing to exercise and cutting out the added sodium in my diet. Salt is addictive and dangerous to my health and I don't want to be dependent on it or put myself at risk for hypertension or stroke any longer.

I'd really like to retrain my tastebuds so that I'm not addicted to salt for soups and other hot foods to taste good. Fellow ETLers who have cut out salt have said that after a while food no longer tastes bland and the flavor returns and things taste even better than they did before. I tried to cut out salt last summer when I first started Eat to Live and was miserable. I decided that it would be ok to use Braggs in my food because it is lower sodium than table salt and I could easily stick to keeping the added salt to around 300mg a day.

Now that I'm in a place where I'm comfortable with the diet and working out I am ready to kick the salt addiction. In the last 9.5 months I've made a lot of improvements to my diet by working to eat for nutritional excellence. It's another step toward becoming the healthy, athletic person that I am striving to be.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sorry it's been so long! I've been doing ok the past few days; nothing fantastic but not too horrible either. Work has been very busy with my boss on vacation and me trying to get ready for vacation. I spent Sunday making soup and smoothie kits to last me this week and next week AND the week after that. It'll be nice to come back from vacation and not worry about breakfasts or lunches. Dinners will be salad so they're always easy.

I hope to be able to swim for exercise in Florida. I guess that will depend on how cold the pool is and if I can tolerate it!

When I get home I would like to finally cut salt out of my diet. I know how bad it is for me and I'd really like to "get my taste buds back" as many other ETLers have. Tune in at the end of next week for my de-salting journey!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

blah blah, whine, complain, go eat some spinach

Today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I didn't want to work out; and procrastinated about it for a good 45 minutes befire going downstairs to do it. My workout wasn't much fun either. I spent a lot of the time saying mean things to Maya - the virtual personal trainer in Yourself!Fitness- and after 30 minutes of that I gave up rather than doing my regular other 30 minutes of exercise. Then I was crabby about going to work - it's especially tough when it's hubby's day off and I still have two more days of work. I was angry that I didn't "have anything to wear". When I got to work I was b*!chy about being here and didn't want to talk to anyone and I was literally angry at the junk food in the kitchen.

But then I had my smoothie - 8oz spinach, 4oz each blueberries, strawberries and banana with flax and water. And got some work done and now I don't feel so grumpy. I actually feel pretty ok. I don't know for sure if the attitude change is due to the good, healthy food but I think it helped. I know that when I'm eating right I feel better emotionally/psychologically as well as physically. Compared to how I used to feel emotionally/physically before ETL it's a very big improvement and is something that I'd sort of forgotten about. I'm kind of in a round-about way glad for this because it did remind me of another reason why I love this lifestyle.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The picture doesn't show too much of a difference from the -50 picture but I can tell a big difference in my clothes and the physical activity I can do. :-)

Hopefully sometime this week or next week before we leave for vacation I'll hit the 80 pounds lost mark which will be halfway to my goal!

Monday, March 05, 2007


I've lost 75 pounds!

It took almost six months to lose this last 25 pounds; but I did it - and I learned a lot about myself in that six months too. 5 more pounds and I'll be 1/2 way there!

More tonight - just wanted to start celebrating early ;-)

edited at 4:21

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Exercise: 30 min Yourself!Fitness, 30 min Treadmill
Breakfast: Standard Smoothie
Lunch/Dinner: steamed veggies, rice, veggie egg roll

Well last night I had a great two-hour workout burning 1000 calories of bad food that I ate yesterday. This morning I got up had had another decent workout today; so I feel like I'm pretty much recovered from yesterday's indescretions.

Today we were out shopping and went to a chinese place for lunch. I had the steamed veggies with just a little bit of white rice and dipped my fork in the sauce on the side for a little flavor. I did also have a veggie egg roll; which isn't so good, but I'm happy about everything else.

Friday, March 02, 2007

falling down

Friday (so far):
Breakfast: orange juice, winter warm fruit salad, pound cake, whipped cream, 3 mini- bite sized quiches
Lunch: winter warm fruit salad, pound cake, whipped cream, chex mix

I shoulda had a smoothie!

Today was a co-worker's birthday; and we had a brunch for her. I made Dr. Fuhrman's Winter Warm Fruit Salad to bring in with fresh whipped cream and pound cake. My plan was to just have the fruit but somehow I allowed myself to have the cake and all of that other junk. And then I did it again for lunch... what's wrong with me? Why did I do that? I feel so crappy about it and am really angry with myself right now. I wish I had had a smoothie for breakfast to make it easier to resist the bad food, I wish I had stopped myself before I ate any of that crap... I was doing so well.

Today was supposed to be my day off from working out but now I think that I need to go home and work as much of this off as I can. Hubby is working OT tonight so I guess I will spend my Friday night on the treadmill atoning for my SAD sins. It'll make me feel better and hopefully I won't end up gaining weight because of my indescretions.

Well, back on the horse with the knowledge and experience never to come to work (or anywhere) on a party day without my smoothie!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Exercise: 30 min Yourself!Fitness, 30 min Treadmill
Breakfast: Standard Smoothie
Lunch: 2/3 bowl Golden Austrian Cauliflower soup, apple
Dinner: whole wheat pita, romaine, red onion, refried beans
Fuhrmometer: Kale

Today was a good day. I wasn't tempted to eat bad food at all today and am feeling really good about things. I guess that's just about it for today!